Friday 4 July 2014

Course 2 - RSLogix500 / SLC500 Advanced Programming

Section 1     Advanced Math Instructions
1.1         Objective
1.2         Exercise – Square Root
1.3         Exercise – Compute
1.4         Exercise – Negate

Section 2     Advanced Timer and Counter
2.1         Objective
2.2         Exercise – Retentive Timers
2.3         Exercise – Time off Delay
2.4         Exercise – Count Down Timer

Section 3     Advanced Comparison Instructions
3.1         Objective
3.2         Exercise - Limit Test
3.3         Exercise – Masked Equal

Section 4     File Operations
4.1         Objective
4.2         Exercise – File Fill
4.3         Exercise – Copy File

Section 5     Processor Faults
5.1         Objective
5.2         Exercise – Causing and Clearing Faults
5.3         Exercise – Preventing Faults

Section 6     Indirect Addressing
6.1         Objective
6.2         Exercise – Indirect Addressing
6.3         Exercise – Indirect Addressing Faults
6.4         Exercise – Preventing Indirect Addressing Faults

Section 7     Advanced Instructions
7.1         Objective
7.2         Exercise – Shift Registers
7.3         Exercise – Sequencer
7.4         Exercise – Labels and Jumps
7.5         Exercise – First In/Out

In addition, access to "Inhibiting I/O in the SLC500 for simulation and fault recovery" video is included in this training to allow the student to learn simulation principles and methods.



Advanced Math Instructions

This section will cover more advanced math instructions.

Exercise 1 - Square Root (SQR)
Exercise 2 - Compute (CPT)
Exercise 3 - Negate (NEG)


Advanced Timer and Counter

This section will cover more advance timers such as the Retentive Timer and Time Off Delay Timer. Also covered in this section will be the Count Down counter.

Exercise 1 - Retentive Timer (RTO)
Exercise 2 - Time Off Delay (TOF)
Exercise 3 - Count Down Counter (CTU)


Advanced Comparison Instructions

This section will cover additional comparison instructions such as the LIM and MEQ instructions.


Exercise 1 - Limit Test (LIM)
Exercise 2 - Masked Equal (MEQ)


File Operations

This section covers file operation such as the FLL (Fill File) and COP (Copy) instructions used to move values to multiple register is on processor scan.

Exercise 1 - Fill File (FLL)
Exercise 2 - Copy File (COP)


Processor Faults

This section will introduce processor faults showing how to cause a processor fault, clear a fault and methods for preventing a fault.

Exercise 1 - Causing and Clearing Faults
Exercise 2 - Preventing faults


 Indirect Addressing

The section will introduce programming with indirect addressing. While indirect addressing is not recommended in some instances it is a necessity. It is very important to be cautious when using indirect addressing in an SLC to avoid faulting the processor. The section below will cover faulting the processor with indirect addressing and step that can be taken to avoid this.

Exercise 1 - Indirect Addressing
Exercise 2 - Indirect Addressing Faults
Exercise 3 - Preventing Indirect Addressing Faults


Advanced Instructions

This section covers advanced instructions useless for program sequence and control.

Exercise 1 - Shift Registers (BSL)
Exercise 2 - Sequencer (SQO)
Exercise 3 - Label/Jump (LBL,JMP)
Exercise 4 - First In / First Out (FFL,FFU)


Course 1 - RSLogix500 / SLC500 Programming

Section 1     Getting Started
1.1         Objective
1.2         Exercise – Creating a Program
1.3         Exercise – Defining I/O Configuration

Section 2     Adding Basic Logic
2.1         Objective
2.2         Exercise – OTE, XIC, XIO
2.3         Exercise – Adding Address Descriptions and Symbols
2.4         Exercise – RSLogix 500 View Properties

Section 3     Adding More than Basic Logic
3.1         Objective
3.2         Exercise - Programming with Symbols
3.3         Exercise – Branches
3.4         Exercise – Adding Motor Seal-in Circuit
3.5         Exercise – Add Latches (OTL, OTU)
3.6         Exercise – Rung Comments and Page Titles
3.7         Exercise – Advanced Diagnostics

Section 4     Getting to Know Your Processor Online
4.1         Objective
4.2         Exercise – Downloading to the Processor
4.3         Exercise – Going Online
4.4         Exercise – Processor Modes
4.5         Exercise – Program File Online Monitoring
4.6         Exercise – Data File Online Monitoring
4.7         Exercise – Project Organization

Section 5     Timers and Counters
5.1         Objective
5.2         Exercise – Introduction to Timers and Counters
5.3         Exercise – TON, CTU and RES

Section 6     Introduction to Addition and Subtraction
6.1         Objective
6.2         Exercise – Add and Subtract with Registers
6.3         Exercise – Add and Subtract with Registers and Constants

Section 7     Compare Commands
7.1         Objective
7.2         Exercise – GTR, GEQ, LES, LEQ, EQU, NEQ

Section 8     More Addition and Subtraction
8.1         Objective
8.2         Exercise – Adding and Subtracting with One-shots
8.3         Exercise – Parking Lot, Part 1

Section 9     Multiply and Divide
9.1         Objective
9.2         Exercise – Introduction to Multiplying and Dividing
9.3         Exercise – Multiply and Divide with Registers and Constants
9.4         Exercise – Parking Lot, Part 2

Section 10        Move Command
10.1       Objective
10.2       Exercise – MOV

Section 11        Programming Project
11.1       Exercise - Traffic Light, Part 1
11.2       Exercise – Traffic Light, Part 2

Section 12        Final Programming Projects
12.1       Project - Bottling Line
12.2       Project – Lumber Yard


This section will cover how to use the RSLogix 500 software to create a new project file, give the PLC processor a name and define the type of processor to be used in the project. This section also covers using the IO Configuration dialog window to define the rack type, identify the IO cards being used by indicating their slot position within the rack, and select the power supply for each rack.

Exercise 1 - Creating a program
Exercise 2 - Defining I/O configuration


This section will cover how to add a rung to a program file and then insert simple instructions to the rung. This section will also cover adding descriptions and symbols to address registers.

Exercise 1 - OTE, XIC, XIO
Exercise 2 - Adding Descriptions and Symbols
Exercise 3 - RSLogix500 View Properties


This section will cover how to add address registers to instructions using the address symbols. Next, you will learn different methods of adding branches to rungs and finally you will program a motor seal-in circuit.


Exercise 1 - Programming with Symbols
Exercise 2 - Branches
Exercise 3 - Motor Seal-in Circuits
Exercise 4 - Latches - OTL, OTU
Exercise 5 - Rung Comments and Page Titles
Exercise 6 - Advanced Diagnostics


This section will cover how to download a project and go online with the processor. This section will also show the different processor modes and how the different ways to switch between them. Finally, you will learn how to monitor the program file and data files of you project online.

Exercise 1 - Downloading
Exercise 2 - Going Online
Exercise 3 - Processor Modes
Exercise 4 - Program Monitoring
Exercise 5 - Data Monitoring
Exercise 6 - Project Organization
Project - Garage Door


This section will cover the timer and counter instructions, discussing the properties of the instructions and give examples of how to use them in your program.

Exercise 1 - Introduction to Timers and Counters
Exercise 2 - TON, CTU and RES instruction types


This section introduces the ADD and SUB instructions.

Exercise 1 - Addition and Subtraction with Registers
Exercise 2 - Addition and Subtraction with Constants


This section will cover the comparison instructions used to compare values of data.

Exercise 1 - Comparisons - GRT, GEQ, LES, EQU, NEQ


The objective of this section is the show different ways to use the addition and subtraction instructions.

Exercise 1 - Addition and Subtraction with oneshots
Exercise 2 - Parking Lot Program, Part 1


The objective of this section is to introduce the MUL and DIV instructions.

Exercise 1 - Introduction to Multiply and Divide
Exercise 2 - Multiply/Divide with Constants
Exercise 3 - Parking Lot Program, Part 2


This section will introduce the MOV instruction which is used to move a copy of the source to the destination each scan.

Exercise 1 - MOV Instruction


This is the first of three programs that you will complete to make sure you fully understand the material in this course.  This is a fairly simple and standard program for PLC programming students.  Everybody understands a stop light so it is a "system" that needs little explaination to understand the required operation.  Make sure you take the time to submit your final programs to the training area of the forum for instructor review.  We will make sure that the program works as required and follows proper programming principles.  Keep in mind that there are many different ways to program the same operation.  While some of the methods may produce proper results and some others may give you proper results most of the time - a good program requires more.  It must be well organized and well documented and programmed for your audience.  That means that you need to consider who will be taking care of the system you are programming.  Consider their level of programming.  The best plan?  Keep it simple.

Exercise 1 - Traffic Light, Part 1
Exercise 2 - Traffic Light, Part 2


The objective of this section is to become more proficient with the instructions covered in course 1.  These final two programs will stretch your understanding and help you to actually be able to use what you have learned.  This is the most important part of this class and may take longer to complete than all of the other sections.  When you have completed a program, submit it on the training section of the forum for an instructor review.  This will allow us to comment on your methods and organization of your program.  It is possible that you may need to work through the programs more than once to meet good programming requirements, but upon completion you should feel very comfortable with the material covered. 

When writing your program make sure you add simulation code  to test your program. 

Please, please, please leave questions on the forum or bring them to the Webinar classroom.  It is important that you fully understand the material presented and understand projects as presented.

Project 1 - Bottling Line
Project 2 - Lumber Yard

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